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#1. About MBTI as INFP (with chat G.P.T)

by 김씨아내신씨 2023. 9. 23.

 First, i wrote the entire writing text and then i gave submitted it to GPT.  It corrected my sentences in right grammar for profer grammar and make made the sentences clearer and softer more polished.

The black characters are my writing and the grey letters are from Chat GPT. The purple words mean I wrote in wrong grammer incorrect grammar usage, and red words are represent unknown words. (The meanings or concepts that i understanded of red words are in bottom of the writing.)  And yellows means i wanted to remember to use next time i will write are reminder for me to use them correctly the next time i write.




In Korea, recently for about 3 years, there is a trend to ask someone's MBTI.


MBTI began with Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, in the United States in the early mid-20th century.

 But I think the americans don't know they're MBTI as well as the Koreans.


In Korea, over the past three years, there has been a growing trend of people asking about someone's MBTI.

The concept of MBTI originated in the United States in the mid-20th century, thanks to Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers.

Interestingly, it seems that Americans might not be as familiar with MBTI as Koreans are.


Before MBTI, there was culture to ask someone's blood type.

It began in the Japan, it was kind of theory that blood type is associated with their personality.


Before MBTI became popular in Korea, there was a cultural practice¹ of asking about someone's blood type.

This tradition originated in Japan and was based on the belief  that blood type is linked to one's personality.

(it's better to use belief than theory.)²


And i really believe that. So when i was young, i asked to many friends "what is your blood type?"

[And when i was heard that "American doesn't do that." i'm not sure but maybe in TV show, i was very surprised.

In that show, there were many people from other country and everyone without Asian consented about that.]

I said "WOW... It can't be!"


I strongly believed in this idea, so when I was younger, I used to ask many of my friends, "What is your blood type?"

However, I was quite surprised when I heard that Americans don't typically do this. I think I first learned about this difference on a TV show where there were people from various countries, and everyone from non-Asian backgrounds seemed unfamiliar with the concept.

(chat GPT can understand everything i've worten and it can make the sentence more clear and softer.)

I remember thinking, "Wow, this is hard to believe!"


After many years, there were many people who didn't trust³ blood type personality theory anymore, or maybe they have never trusted but just didn't say to me 'that's not true. ' 

[They said that first, there isn't evidence that blood type and presonality are related. and second it can't devide so many people by four sides](cause blood type is four in large range.)


After many years, I encountered many people who no longer believed in the blood type personality theory, or perhaps they had never believed in it but hadn't expressed their skepticism to me.

They raised two main points: first, there is no scientific evidence to support a connection between blood type and personality, and second, it seems unrealistic to categorize such a diverse population into just four blood types.


And then people found the other thing. It's MBTI.

The test can classify 16 character by extroversion or introversion, thinking or feeling, sensing or intuition, judging or perceiving.

In these days, when we Korean met someone first time, we ask "what is your MBTI?"

or "i will guess what is your MBTI! I'm good at it."


And then people discovered another concept: MBTI.

This system classifies individuals into 16 different personality types based on factors such as extroversion or introversion, thinking or feeling, sensing or intuition, and judging or perceiving.

In today's Korean culture, it has become common to ask someone, "What is your MBTI?" when meeting them for the first time. Some people even say, "I can guess your MBTI! I'm pretty good at it."


My MBTI is INFP, in the explanation about INFP they love this kind of personality test. And I totally agreed about that.

And still I love to fine the information about INFP or to find another test (which is free).


But I disliked to be a INFP. It dosen't mean that I don't like someone who is INFP, actually I like them because when i was with them, I should not wear a mask to be a normal person. 

I think maybe i have a little bit different thought from the other people, so any other people don't like me.

That's the reason i wear a mask, and the MBTI tied with people having same charicters.


My MBTI type is INFP, and according to the descriptions of INFPs, they tend to enjoy personality tests like this one. I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment⁵.

I continue to have a strong interest in exploring information about INFPs and seeking out other free personality tests.


However, I must admit that I have mixed feelings about being an INFP. It's not that I dislike others who share this personality type; in fact, I appreciate⁶ them because when I'm with fellow INFPs, I can be myself without the need to put on a mask and pretend to be someone I'm not.

I believe my thoughts and perspectives might be a bit different from those of others, which can make it challenging for people to relate to me, and that's why I often wear a metaphorical mask.

The MBTI has helped me connect with people who share similar characteristics and understand me better.

(now i thought that it understanded my thoughts better than me.)


And now a days i finally realize that everybody doesn't same, they all different, thanks to MBTI.


When i was young i frequently thought that why she does like that? why he said like that?. Everytime i had these thoughts, my mom or some books about mind of human(?) said that  "everybody doesn't same, they all different, so just accept what it has been." finally it makes sense to me. 


These days, I have come to realize that everyone is unique and different, thanks to MBTI.


When I was younger, I often found myself wondering why someone acted a certain way or said certain things. Every time I had these thoughts, my mom or some books about the human mind would tell me, "Everyone is different, so just accept them for who they are." Finally, this advice started to make sense to me.


If you search who is INFP in real person, celebrity, you can find J. K. Rowling and there is information that INFPs love the writing. Of cource i love writing than talking, but just writing? I didn't agree. Because i'm not good at writing like J.K. Rowling. But now I agree. I like writing, revealing me is joyful. I'm not good writer but i like writing,


If you search for real-life INFP personalities among celebrities, you can find examples like J.K. Rowling. It's worth noting that there's information suggesting INFPs tend to have a strong affinity for writing.

Of course, I've always preferred writing to talking, but initially, I didn't fully embrace this preference because I felt I wasn't as skilled as J.K. Rowling. However, my perspective has since evolved. I genuinely enjoy writing; it brings me joy to reveal my thoughts and feelings through this medium. While I may not consider myself a skilled writer like J.K. Rowling, I find great satisfaction in the act of writing.


(When i submitted the last paragraph to GPT, it said about it's thought about my writing. It's so sweet.)

It's great to hear that you've come to appreciate writing and find joy in it, even if you may not consider yourself as skilled as someone like J.K. Rowling. Writing can be a wonderful way to express yourself and explore your thoughts and feelings. Remember, writing is a skill that can be improved with practice, so if it's something you enjoy, don't hesitate to keep honing your writing abilities and expressing yourself through words. It's not always about being the best but about finding satisfaction and fulfillment in the process.


Red words 

1. practice : i only know the meaning of 'practice' as "actual doing of something" but in this sentence it means "something that is done often or regularly".

2. theory : it means "the fact or the event that exist in the real world", or "the general principles" And~ it means "an idea that suggested possible true but that is not proved or known". 

             so it can use as "blood type personality theory."

3. trust vs believe : trust is more perfect belief, and believe is temporary concept.

4. skepticism : an attitude of doubting the truth of something

5. sentiment : it's a kind of feeling or emotion. in the context, "i agree" is same as "i share the same feeling" about INFPs enjoing and searching the similar test.

6. appreciate :  i only knew the expression about "thank" but in this context, it can mean "value or cherish someone". Because i wrote that "when i was with them, i can be myself" so, in this situation, they "valued" me.

             §thank vs appreciate : thank someone for something = appreciate something.

7. perspective : a way of thinking about and understanding something.(viewpoint)

8. genuine : actual, real, true

9. medium : it means like "middle", small medium and large. And another meaning is "a form of communication (like newspaper, radio, TV etc..)"




거의 환골탈태한 내 글을 보면.... 악뮤 수현이가 작곡한 걸 보고 찬혁이가 "괜찮은데~ 여기서부터 여기까지는 뺴자 " 에 '여기서부터 여기까지'가 글 전체 였다는 그런 말을 한 적이 있는데 그 느낌이다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ.. 착한 챗지피티는 아주 minor한 부분만 바꾸면 된다고 하고선 거의 글을 다 바꿔놨다... 하지만 잘했어 그냥 너가 쓸래...??



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