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#8. To ask chat G.P.T to predict my MBTI.

by 김씨아내신씨 2023. 11. 7.

오늘은 chat GPT와 놀아봤다.

native와의 대화가 아직 두려운 나는 인공지능과 대화하기로 결정했는데..!!

Shin : Thank you so much, but technically, I'm shy and timid so I can't speak with native. I can't start conversation with someone unfarmiliar to me... Is that big problem? or is there something to tell me?



Feeling shy or timid when speaking with native speakers or unfamiliar people is a common challenge, and it's not a big problem at all. Many language learners face similar difficulties, especially when they are not accustomed to speaking in a foreign language. Here are some tips to help you overcome your shyness and improve your confidence:

  1. Start Small: Begin by practicing with people you feel comfortable with, such as friends or family members who are supportive of your language learning journey.
  2. Online Language Partners: You can find language exchange partners or conversation partners online. There are various language exchange websites and apps where you can connect with people who are interested in learning your language in exchange for helping you with English. These partners are usually very understanding and patient.
  3. Join Language Groups: Look for local or online language exchange or conversation groups. These groups often have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, and they can provide a low-pressure environment to practice your speaking skills.
  4. Set Small Goals: Challenge yourself with small, achievable language goals. For example, aim to have a short conversation with a native speaker about a specific topic. As you accomplish these goals, your confidence will grow.
  5. Prepare in Advance: Before speaking with someone, prepare some common phrases or sentences related to the topic of the conversation. This can give you more confidence and help you feel more in control.

요렇게 쭉  8번까지 얘기해줬다.

Remember that overcoming shyness and building confidence in speaking a new language can take time. The key is to take small steps, gradually push your comfort zone, and be patient with yourself. As you gain more experience and exposure to English, your confidence will naturally increase.

요렇게 자신감가지라는 말도 해주고, GPT 너는 F구나...! 집에 있는 김씨가 더 로봇같아 보이는 요즘 인공지능수준...


부끄러움을 무릅쓰고 나의 영어작문을 올려보자면..

Shin : Thank you. You make me more comfortable in this situation. Basically, I've been in English contury for 2 months, and maybe i pushed myself too much, because my english didn't move on. So whenever i speak in english, I'm so afraid because i made them to feel bord. But i will practice in various method you talked to me. And in this sentence is there something worng in grammar?


I'm glad to hear that you're feeling more comfortable, and I'm here to help with any questions you have. Your sentence is mostly correct, but there are some minor grammar and wording improvements that can be made for clarity:

"Basically, I've been in an English-speaking country for 2 months, and maybe I pushed myself too hard because my English hasn't improved much. So whenever I speak in English, I'm afraid that I might bore them."

Here are the changes I made:

  1. Added "an" before "English-speaking country" to make it grammatically correct.
  2. Changed "too much" to "too hard" for a more idiomatic expression.
  3. Used "hasn't improved much" instead of "didn't move on" to express the idea more clearly.
  4. Added "that I might" for clarity in the last part of the sentence.

Your sentence was already quite good, and these adjustments are mainly for refinement. Keep up the good work, and with continued practice, you'll see improvements in your English skills.

 요렇게 하나하나 다 말해준다.  그냥 바꿔달라고 하면 내가 이렇게 말해도 되는건지 아니면 이렇게 말하면 안되는건지가 기준이 안잡히는데, 이렇게 차근차근 문법을 다 얘기해주고, 문맥상 어울리는 단어를 골라준다.


그리고 오늘의 주제! 내 MBTI 맞춰보라고 하기!

나는 이정도 대화하면 답해주는 줄 알았더니, 간단한 질문들을 준다.


그리고 나의 대답 

Shin : There are my answers and you know, i'm not good at english, so please tell me the sentence is right or is there some grammar error in sentence.

Sometimes I love to go out and meet my friends, but in a way, like if there are some strange people with my friends, I freezed and can't open myself at all. And I need some time to be friendly with them. I act like award and literely can't speak.

And I trust my instincts.

I want to tell people logically and the fact, and i know that's more helpful for people who need my help. But most of time when they asked my opinion, I don't wanna hurt them so I sometimes tell the opposite things which i think not true.

The last question is a little bit hard to me. Because I really like to organize my life, and organize my furniture, and plan my week or month. But at the time, I like something that doesn't planned and in the case of meeting friends, I more like to meet immediately, with no plan, just go around and go somewhere just seem tiny, beautiful resterants.

항상 답할때 먼저 문법고쳐달라고 말하고 대답함 ㅋㅋ

말을 엄청 빙빙 돌려서 했는데도 문맥을 다 이해하고 내 MBTI 예측해주는 GPT.

대답을 보다보니 N과 S가 바꼈다! 

다시 물어보니 자기 잘못이라고 인정하는 GPT 귀여워.

그러면서 내 반응을 보니 답정너라는 대답을 하는 GPT 

인줄 알았는데, mix of perferences 란 나의 대답에 대한 내용이었지 mbti type에 대한 건 아니라고 대답한다.

Chat G.P.T를 이용하면 이해가 가지 않는 부분을 다시 물어볼 수 있어서 좋다! 영어공부가 되는지는 잘 모르겠지만, 뭐.. 영어에 노출되다보면 언젠가 늘겠지~~ patient해지자.

참고로 나는 INFP이다. J인거 같은데 항상 P가 나와서 의아해하는데, 김씨는 전혀 의아하지 않다고 한다.

그래도 gpt가 J라고 해줘서 기분좋음 캬캬 
